Ground Vibrations and Soil Dynamics

Ground Vibrations and Soil Dynamics


On December 7, 1988 an earthquake of magnitude Ms = 6.8 shook northern Armenia inflicting heavy human casualty and massive devastation. The city of Leninakan, located 25 km from the surface breakout of the ruptured fault, suffered heavier damage than the city of Kirovakan, only 10 km from the fault. In this paper, building damage statics from the 1988 Armenia earthquake are presented and discussed. These statics are correlated to the local soil profiles in these two major cities. The soil amplification effects on building damage during this earthquake are investigated. One-dimensional site response analysis results and valley effects are presented to explain the extent and pattern of damage in the two cities.

This research was made possible through a grant from the National Science Foundation. The support of N.S.F. and of Dr. Clifford Astill, Director of the program is greatly appreciated. In addition we appreciate the contributions to this research of our numerous colleagues in the United States, Armenia, Iran, Russia, Greece and the United Kingdom.

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May 13, 2022

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