Induced Partial Saturation (IPS)
Liquefaction Mitigation
NSF / NEESR Project


Mitigation of liquefaction-induced damage to the built environment continues to be an important priority and a major challenge in civil engineering. There is an urgent need to develop cost-effective liquefaction mitigation measures that can be applied to new sites as well as sites with existing structures.

The PI and Co-PI have been conducting laboratory research to explore the development of an innovative method for liquefaction mitigation based on induced partial saturation (IPS) in otherwise fully saturated liquefiable sands. The research to date has demonstrated the technical feasibility of the method. Laboratory tests have led to the conclusion that introduction of gas bubbles in sands, thus reducing its degree of saturation, prevents the occurrence of liquefaction.

Intellectual Merit:

To further advance IPS as a liquefaction mitigation measure to be considered by the professional engineering community in practice, a comprehensive research and verification program is proposed with testing in large-scale laboratory and field experiments. The goal of this proposed research is two folds: 1) to conduct fundamental research exploring the feasibility of inducing partial saturation under field conditions, by injecting very low concentration of sodium percarbonate solution and (through flow, transport, and reactivity processes) slowly generate oxygen gas bubbles in sands, and 2) to demonstrate the effectiveness of IPS in preventing the occurrence of liquefaction. The proposed research takes advantage of the unique experimental and field facilities of NEES to acquire fundamental knowledge on the behavior of IPS in sands and to develop enabling technologies to verify the effectiveness of IPS as a liquefaction mitigation measure. The research program will achieve its goal by integrating small- and large-scale laboratory investigations, field tests, and numerical simulation. The research outcomes will advance IPS as a cost-effective liquefaction mitigation measure for new sites and, more importantly, for sites with existing structures.


The research team is composed of experts in the geotechnical earthquake engineering and liquefaction, and the geoenvironmental field. The program includes small-scale laboratory tests and numerical simulations at Northeastern University, tests using NEES@Buffalo’s large laminar box, preliminary field tests at Northeastern University and at Boise State University (utilizing their drilling rig and equipment), and field research and verification of the effect of IPS on liquefaction using NEES@UTexas T-Rex at the NEES@UCSB Wildlife Refuge.

Broader Impact:

The outcome of this research will advance efforts at developing a cost-effective liquefaction mitigation measure that will have world-wide impact on human safety and protection of property from earthquake hazards. Also, oxygen delivery is of interest in geoenvironmental engineering, and this research will be valuable for improving in-situ implementation of bioremediation. The research is a collaboration between faculty and students in the fields of earthquake and geoenvironmental engineering. Such collaborations will benefit undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and promote interdisciplinary education and research. The EOT program will include laboratory and field demonstrations and videos of the beneficial effects of IPS in preventing liquefaction-induced building failure. These educational tools will also be used to heighten the public’s awareness of earthquake risk. Outreach activities of the project team will include participation in institutional programs of their universities such as Women in Engineering, Building Bridges, STEM Education, Program in Multicultural Engineering, NSF Young Scholars summer program, Upward Bound Summer Internship, and Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) programs.

Research Team

Mishac Yegian

Prof. Mishac K. Yegian
Northeastern University

PI: Responsible for overall implementation of project tasks; laboratory and field tests, simulation tasks, data archiving and EOT activities

NEU logo

Akram Alshawabkeh

Prof. Akram Alshawabkeh
Northeastern University

Co-PI: Transport and reactivity to generate oxygen bubbles; analytical simulation; IPS delivery system

Dr. T. Leslie Youd

Prof. Leslie Youd
Brigham Young

Consultant: Support the planning and implementation of fieldwork at the NEES Wildlife Refuge site

Prof. Kenneth H. Stokoe II

Prof. Kenneth H. Stokoe
UT Austin

Co-PI: Support the planning and implementation of T-Rex tests at the Wildlife Refuge; assist in          interpretation data

Prof. Sabanayagam Thevanayagam

Prof. Sabanavagam Thevanavagam
SUNY Buffalo

Co-PI:  Large scale NEES laminar box test planning, testing and interpreting result

Prof. Arvin Farid

Prof. Arvin Farid
Boise State University

Co-PI:  Responsible for Boise State’s drilling rig supporting the project at the NEES Wildlife Refuge Area

Dr. Alden Provost

Advisor: Scientific and programing support to complete development of SUTRA-Bubble simulation program

Dr. Richard J. Fragaszy

Dr. Richard Fragaszy
NSF Program Director

NSF logo

Dr. Jamison Steidl

Dr. Jamison Steidl
UC Santa Barbara

Director: Facilitate research and testing at the NEES Wildlife Refuge Area

Dr. Cliff Voss

Advisor: Scientific and programing support to complete development of SUTRA-Bubble simulation program

Dr. Joy Pauschke

Dr. Joy Pauschke
NEES Program Director

NEES logo

Technical and Logistical Support

Dr. David Whelpley

Dr. David Whelpley
Director of CEO Facilities

Michael MacNeil
Senior Lab Technician

Kurt Braun
Senior Machinist

Graduate Students

Graduate Students1

Ph.D. Student
Fritz Nababan 

Ph.D. Candidate
Seda Gokyer 

M.S. Student
Ata Firat Karamanli 

Ph.D. Student
Hadi Kazemi Roodsari

 Ph.D. Student
Makbule Ilgac


Caitlin Candee

Caitlin Candee

Olivia Deterling

Olivia Deterling

NSF Young Scholar Program

Olivia Chung

NSF Young Scholars Program

Aliza Holstein

Induced Partial Saturation (IPS)

Advantages of IPS;

  • Cost effective,
  • Applicable to new sites and sites with existing structures

Click here to see full image

Click here to see full image

Fully Saturated Sand Behavior

Partially Saturated Sand Behavior


IPS in the Field

Proposed Research Objectives

NSF-ERC Systems framework describing the proposed research objectives and areas

IPS in the Laboratory, Bench Top IPS

Experiments planned to verify;

  • The constitutive model
  • SUTRA-Bubble numerical simulation

IPS in the Field

IPS Delivery system is used to introduce sodium percarbonate solution into the ground with controlled pressure and controlled concentration of solution
Sketch of IPS Delivery System

Components of IPS Delivery System

Field Equipment

Northeastern University Dedham Campus

Site for IPS Field Research

Mansfield Hollow Dam, USACE Site

Site for IPS Field Research

Laminar Box – Site for IPS Laboratory Research

Verification of IPS – IPS Cone

T-Rex at Wildlife Refuge – Site for IPS Field Research

Field Equipment

Boise State University STP/CPT Truck

NSF 2014 IPS Project Report

Field IPS Tests at WLA

Field IPS Tests at WLA

IPS Tests at UB Laminar Box

IPS Tests at UB Laminar Box

SUTRA-Bubble -IPS Verification

SUTRA-Bubble -IPS Verification


Outreach -Whittier School Gingerbread Competition